Customer Success Glossary

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Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder engagement, the process of aligning, informing and collaborating with parties who have a vested interest in an organization - aka  the decision makers that can make or break your relationship - is an extremely important strategic relationship that should be a high priority but is often neglected.

How to Create a Stakeholder Engagement Plan

You can take a 7-step approach to design a stakeholder engagement and management plan to chart a path to communicating the value of your product and brand to your stakeholders, promoting higher engagement and retention. These steps include:

  • Identify your stakeholders and their roles
  • Match communication strategies to stakeholder roles
  • Analyze key stakeholder motivation
  • Determine how and when you will engage key stakeholders
  • Identify stakeholder preferred communication channels
  • Personalize automated communication
  • Send automated reports to showcase benefits of utilization

Stakeholder Engagement Journey Templates

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