SaaS metrics cheat sheet


1. Open Your Discovery Aperture• Build a discovery framework that goes beyond meeting basic businessrequirements.

  • Create a value framework that aligns your solution to both current and future customer needs.
  • Tip: Take a jobs-to-be-done approach to put yourself in your customer’s shoes.

2. Stay Above the Discovery FoldFocus more time going beyond those basic requirements in two ways:

  • Unexpected Individual Needs: Where do you help customers shine in their job?
  • Unexpected Organizational Needs: Where do you drive real innovation? How will you meet a company’s future needs and/orpropel them ahead in the market?

3. Start With a Quiet Mind• Set aside 60 seconds prior to each customer call.

  • Think about the customer’s point of view (POV).
  • Be curious about THEIR priorities and challenges.

4. Be Authentic (Don’t Judge)• Start with the company’s priorities and challenges.

  • Be open and patient - don’t judge.
  • Be the student, not the teacher.

5. Don’t Solve or Sell

  • There will be time to circle back at the end.
  • Your only job is to listen and learn in discovery.
  • Take note of a recommendation and hold onto it.

6. Embrace Silence• Don’t talk just to fill in space.

  • Literally go on mute to build this muscle.
  • Practice with colleagues, friends & family. Call them!

7. Go With Their Flow

  • Support, don’t shift abruptly according to your plan.
  • Don’t have a rigid agenda, give them space to think critically and openly.
  • It’s a conversation, not a survey.
  • Ask second level, clarifying questions.

8. Ask Disruptive Questions

  • Challenge the status quo and prompt critical thinking about their needs.
  • Have a hook which should be a common term (e.g. job description)that focuses the customer on the discovery topic.
  • Have a twist using different words (e.g. if I was a fly on the wall) that help disarm the customer.
  • Ask about their business, job and customer experience. Check out examples on the next page for your own use and inspiration!

9. Avoid Lists

  • Avoid lists by asking for their biggest priority or top goal they must achieve.
  • Make the customer prioritize their needs, problems and goals for you.
  • Eliminating the guesswork on your end to effectively follow-up, recommend a solution, prepare a demo, etc.

10. Disruptive is Not Discomfort

  • Remember, customer discomfort is not the end goal.
  • The goal is to be radically authentic.
  • Frame the questions from the customer’s perspective, rather than your own.
  • Avoid triggering stress or anger with statements like ‘would you renew tomorrow’.
  • Ask questions that showcase intellect, curiosity and care beyond their vendors.

Survey intro: Here at [COMPANY NAME], we aim to help you stay ahead of all future pricing conversations by aligning with your budgeting cycle, and understanding your procurement process. Please complete the below form to help us be

Question 1:
When does your team typically start budgeting for the next year?

Question 2:
Do you use a third party for procurement?

Question 3:
If you answered yes to the above, which procurement company are you using? (if N/A, please leave blank!)

Question 4:
Who is the correct point of contact to work with on any commercial conversations for your team?

Question 5:
Please provide your name and email 📧
