Through an outlined series of 1:1’s and webinars with Totango experts, the Accelerator Onboarding Program was designed to get our customers up and running with Totango in just 3 weeks. This is the perfect starting place to get fast value from Totango, for FREE!
Get up to speed on Totango and the Accelerator Onboarding Program
1:1 session with your Customer Success Engineer to review integration.
Learn about SuccessBLOCs and key features, set-up your onboarding stages and customize your program goals.
Learn about health with Totango, customize High Touch Onboarding Health and enable your Health Profile.
Get your team ready for Totango Day 1 with dedicated resources, content and training agendas.
Publish your first SuccessBLOC, activate your SuccessPlays and Onboard your Customers with Totango!