7 Must-Haves for the New Customer Journey Playbook: 2020 and Beyond

The Customer Journey Playbook you started in 2020 is no longer relevant.

The customer success playbook you began 2020 with is no longer efficient nor relevant. Yesterday's customer engagement models don't align with the way customers are experiencing your products and services or the way your team works in today's remote workplace. Join Guy Nirpaz, founder & CEO of Totango as he shares learnings from thousands of customers on the must-haves for the new customer journey playbook that is delivering experiences customers crave at the margins CFOs want.

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Guy Nirpaz
Founder & CEO - Totango
Saastr at Home
Customer Journey, Playbooks
“It's very important to know value driven customer journeys, it's about the customer, it's about value first and the sooner we can deliver on that the most successful business model.”
Guy Nirpaz
CEO & Founder at Totango