You Have a Customer Success Platform, Now What?

An Operating Model for Customer Success

Connecting the dots of all your customer information and surfacing the key activities that drive the biggest impact on outcomes is the foundation of customer success. But how do you move from insights to action and enable an operating model that expedites the impact of customer-centered growth across your organization?  Totango and SAP will share their learnings and approach, including SAP's road to release and RUN operating model, roles and responsibilities and deployment approach.

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Sujana Kethineni, Koshal Agrawal, Tory Scearcy
Business Solutions Team, SAP
Robyn Fernandez
Director of Customer Success, Totango
Customer Success Summit 2019
“The need for a single platform is all the more important because of three major things...we need to harmonize our LOB processes in a single platform, secondly, we need to match the industry standards, the growing standards and complexities, and lastly it’s also the speed at which SAP is growing… we need something very sustainable and scalable. And that is how Totango came into our lives.”
Sujana Kethineni
Business Solutions, SAP